9 research outputs found

    Técnica de criodesidratação comparada entre encéfalos de suínos e caninos para estudo da anatomia animal

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    A criodesidratação é uma técnica utilizada para conservação de materiais, principalmente vísceras de animais, para estudo prático da anatomia animal. O presente estudo visa demostrar os resultados obtidos com a criodesidratação de encéfalos de suínos e caninos, uma vez que tal material é um dos mais sensíveis à degradação e perde rapidamente suas características durante o manuseio nas aulas práticas. Foram submetidos sete encéfalos de suínos e três de caninos à injeção e submersão em Formol 10%, durante 15 dias, e posterior congelamento e descongelamento, sendo pesados uma vez a cada sete dias e envernizados depois de alcançarem 30% do peso inicial. Os encéfalos apresentaram média de perda de peso semelhante quando comparados entre as duas espécies e redução do tamanho inicial. Após a envernização, os encéfalos mostraram-se resistentes ao manuseio, o que possibilitou a visualização de estruturas sem danificar substancialmente a peça

    Hemophagocytic Histiocytic Sarcoma in Dog

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    Background: Histiocytic sarcoma can present in a localized or disseminated form, being a malignant neoplasm derived from interstitial dendritic cells. Another form of the disease is called hemophagocytic histiocystic sarcoma (HHS), which originates from macrophages located in the splenic red pulp and bone marrow. HHS is a rare neoplasm with unknown etiology and rapid development. It mainly affects middle-aged to elderly animals. It primarily affects the spleen and bone marrow, with occurence of metastases in other organs. Some canine breeds are considered more predisposed to this neoplasia, among them the Rottweiler. The aim of this study was to report a case of HHS in a Rottweiler dog.Case: An 8-year-old Rottweiler suffering from hyporexia and progressive weight loss for a month was attended at the Veterinary Hospital of State University of Maringá. On physical examination, he only presented mild discomfort on abdominal palpation. Blood count was performed, which revealed mild thrombocytopenia (145,000/µL, reference value for the species 150,000-500,000/µL). The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) exam was requested for babesiosis and ehrlichiosis, due to a history of ectoparasites. The animal was released with the prescription of Doxycycline at a dose of 10 mg/kg orally for 28 days. After 5 days, the condition worsened and the animal returned with emesis, apathy and hyporexia, being hospitalized. Abdominal ultrasound, blood count, urinalysis, serum urea and creatinine tests were requested. Among the hematological changes, thrombocytopenia (116,000/µL) and the appearing of regenerative anemia and atypical round cells with ample and slightly basophilic cytoplasm in the smear, similar to histiocytes, stood out. On ultrasound examination, splenomegaly was observed with hypoechogenic areas. Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of the spleen was performed, which revealed the presence of abundant cellularity consisting of round cells arranged individually and in small groups, with variable nucleus / cytoplasm ratio, slightly basophilic cytoplasm and, sometimes, vacuolized. Eccentric nucleus with chromatin ranging from loose to dense, with evident and often multiple nucleus. In addition, a large number of multinucleated giant cells, mitosis figures (sometimes atypical) and intense anisocytosis and anisocariosis were observed. Furthermore, it was possible to observe erythrophagocytic activity, alterations compatible with histiocytic sarcoma (HS). After 10 days of the first visit, the animal died. At necropsy, samples from altered areas of the spleen, lungs and lymph nodes were collected and sent for histopathological and immunohistochemical examination, in which the diagnosis of hemophagic histiocytic sarcoma was confirmed, in addition to lungs and lymph node metastasis.Discussion: The prognosis of HHS is the worst among histiocytic disorders, as it is associated with coagulopathies and severe anemia due to erythrophagocytic activity, as occurred in the case presented, with a maximum survival time between one to two months. The described animal died ten days after showing the first clinical signs. The immunohistochemistry technique using HLA-DR, CD18, CD163, and CD11d markers was essential to confirm the cell line. Positivity for CD11d marker was found, which allowed to classify the neoplasm as hemophagocytic HS. This report exposes the importance of cytological examination for screening and histopathological and immunohistochemical tests to confirm the diagnosis of this extremely aggressive neoplasm

    Hemophagocytic Histiocytic Sarcoma in Dog

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    Background: Histiocytic sarcoma can present in a localized or disseminated form, being a malignant neoplasm derived from interstitial dendritic cells. Another form of the disease is called hemophagocytic histiocystic sarcoma (HHS), which originates from macrophages located in the splenic red pulp and bone marrow. HHS is a rare neoplasm with unknown etiology and rapid development. It mainly affects middle-aged to elderly animals. It primarily affects the spleen and bone marrow, with occurence of metastases in other organs. Some canine breeds are considered more predisposed to this neoplasia, among them the Rottweiler. The aim of this study was to report a case of HHS in a Rottweiler dog.Case: An 8-year-old Rottweiler suffering from hyporexia and progressive weight loss for a month was attended at the Veterinary Hospital of State University of Maringá. On physical examination, he only presented mild discomfort on abdominal palpation. Blood count was performed, which revealed mild thrombocytopenia (145,000/µL, reference value for the species 150,000-500,000/µL). The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) exam was requested for babesiosis and ehrlichiosis, due to a history of ectoparasites. The animal was released with the prescription of Doxycycline at a dose of 10 mg/kg orally for 28 days. After 5 days, the condition worsened and the animal returned with emesis, apathy and hyporexia, being hospitalized. Abdominal ultrasound, blood count, urinalysis, serum urea and creatinine tests were requested. Among the hematological changes, thrombocytopenia (116,000/µL) and the appearing of regenerative anemia and atypical round cells with ample and slightly basophilic cytoplasm in the smear, similar to histiocytes, stood out. On ultrasound examination, splenomegaly was observed with hypoechogenic areas. Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of the spleen was performed, which revealed the presence of abundant cellularity consisting of round cells arranged individually and in small groups, with variable nucleus / cytoplasm ratio, slightly basophilic cytoplasm and, sometimes, vacuolized. Eccentric nucleus with chromatin ranging from loose to dense, with evident and often multiple nucleus. In addition, a large number of multinucleated giant cells, mitosis figures (sometimes atypical) and intense anisocytosis and anisocariosis were observed. Furthermore, it was possible to observe erythrophagocytic activity, alterations compatible with histiocytic sarcoma (HS). After 10 days of the first visit, the animal died. At necropsy, samples from altered areas of the spleen, lungs and lymph nodes were collected and sent for histopathological and immunohistochemical examination, in which the diagnosis of hemophagic histiocytic sarcoma was confirmed, in addition to lungs and lymph node metastasis.Discussion: The prognosis of HHS is the worst among histiocytic disorders, as it is associated with coagulopathies and severe anemia due to erythrophagocytic activity, as occurred in the case presented, with a maximum survival time between one to two months. The described animal died ten days after showing the first clinical signs. The immunohistochemistry technique using HLA-DR, CD18, CD163, and CD11d markers was essential to confirm the cell line. Positivity for CD11d marker was found, which allowed to classify the neoplasm as hemophagocytic HS. This report exposes the importance of cytological examination for screening and histopathological and immunohistochemical tests to confirm the diagnosis of this extremely aggressive neoplasm

    Intoxicação aguda por triclorfon em caprinos tratados com a dose terapêutica

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    O presente estudo descreve um surto de intoxicação por triclorfon em caprinos, que receberam pela via oral, a dosagem terapêutica do princípio ativo em questão (100mg/kg), provenientes da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, campus de Umuarama, PR. Cinquenta e três ovinos foram tratados com a mesma formulação/solução e não se observou nenhum efeito colateral nos animais referente ao tratamento com triclorfon. Das 20 cabras medicadas, cerca de 40 minutos após a administração do triclorfon, oito apresentaram os clássicos sinais clínicos de ataxia, decúbito externo-lateral, sialorreia, tremores, constrição das pupilas, dispneia com ruídos, micção e defecação involuntária, paresia espástica, timpanismo e lacrimejamento. Quase que imediatamente após a detecção destes sinais, as oito cabras foram medicadas com sulfato de atropina 1% 0,5mg/kg mais fluidoterapia. Cinco destes animais tiveram de receber nova dosagem de sulfato de atropina uma hora após a primeira aplicação, em função de alguns sinais clínicos, como tremores musculares, ainda estarem presentes. De 48 a 72 horas após a administração do triclorfon, três destes cinco animais vieram a óbito. Na necropsia, foi possível observar mucosas cianóticas, congestão de fígado, baço e rins, vasos mesentéricos congestos, vesícula biliar repleta, enfisema pulmonar, parênquima pulmonar avermelhado. Os resultados encontrados neste trabalho chamam atenção que o surto aconteceu em cabras adultas, que apresentavam boas condições clínicas e acima de tudo, receberam a dosagem terapêutica recomendada em bula pelo fabricante. Talvez isso possa indicar alguma sensibilidade mais elevada desta espécie animal à dosagem recomendada em bula do triclorfon (100mg/kg) para caprinos

    Intoxicação de ovinos que receberam duas aplicações de closantel, na dosagem terapêutica (7,5mg/kg), com intervalo de 28 dias

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    O presente estudo notifica a intoxicação de ovinos que receberam duas aplicações de closantel, na dosagem terapêutica (7,5mg/kg), com intervalo de 28 dias pré-estabelecido pela eficácia da formulação. Referente aos resultados de eficácia foi possível observar elevado percentual após o primeiro e o segundo tratamento. Cerca de 72 horas após a administração do segundo tratamento (D+30), três animais que receberam closantel demonstraram leve apatia, anorexia, diarréia e cegueira bilateral com ausência de reflexo e midríase bilateral. Estes três ovinos foram observados por cerca de 250 dias após o segundo tratamento, e a cegueira bilateral não regrediu. Os inúmeros casos de animais intoxicados por closantel descritos na literatura enfatizam que a sobredosagem e/ou qualidade nutricional dos animais, são fatores determinantes para que ocorra intoxicação destes animais pelo closantel. Entretanto, no presente trabalho, os sinais de intoxicação (leve apatia, anorexia, diarréia e a alteração oftálmica) observada nos três ovinos clinicamente sadios, ocorreram quando estes receberam duas aplicações de closantel (7,5mg/kg) com o intervalo de 28 dias, evidenciando que o possível efeito residual cumulativo de closantel no organismo animal, desencadeado por duas aplicações consecutivas, também pode ser um fator predisponente para que ovinos demonstrem sinais irreversíveis de intoxicação pelo princípio ativo em questão

    Occurrences of Oestrus ovis parasitism in necropsied sheep in the Umuarama microregion, Paraná, Brazil

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    Between January 2007 and September 2013, 71 sheep belonging to 12 farms in the Umuarama microregion, State of Paraná, were evaluated regarding presence of Oestrus ovis larvae, during necropsies. The farms from which these animals originated were visited and the owners and employees were interviewed. Occurrences of O. ovis parasitism in sheep were diagnosed for the first time on this microregion. Of the 71 animals, 12 (16.9%) were parasitized by O. ovis, with mean intensity of 2.25 larvae per infested head (1 to 8 larvae/infested head). There was a high correlation (0.81, p=0.0346) between the number of larvae and the macroscopic lesions observed in these animals’ nasal cavities, such that sheep with more than 3 larvae may contain mucupurulent secretions or epistaxis. From the interviews conducted, it was found that all the farm owners were applying chemical parasite control methods (helminths and/or O. ovis), administered to all animals in the herds every 30 days (91.6% of the producers), using derivatives of macrocyclic lactones and/or benzimidazoles/imidazothiazoles. Further studies need to be conducted in this particular region, in an attempt to elucidate the prevalence of O. ovis parasitism in herds